So today I wanted to talk about change. There has been a lot of change in my life as of late. I started a new job and also started to build my wedding planning experience, I joined MPI BC (Meeting Planners International), I started my application to become a CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) and I began attending networking events.
More recently, my boyfriend and I are moving! We signed the rental agreement last week. I am super duper excited about this new place. It has everything we need and more! And you know what? It was the very first place we looked at! We totally lucked out :). Moving is of course a lot of work and can be quite stressful but I am trying to keep the end goal in mind - a fantastic new place with my sweetie!!
So lots of changes in a short period of time! It can really overwhelm a girl. I need to make sure I don't get stressed or burnt out from all of this. I need to take the time to slow down, breathe and really appreciate all the new things in my life. *sigh*
Even though lots of change all at once can be overwhelming, it can be quite exciting! I love my new job, I can't wait to help with more weddings this summer, I'm super happy to have joined MPI, I am very much looking forward to getting my CMP (I just joined a study group that starts in March, yay!), I love meeting great people at networking events and I of course cannot wait to move into my new place. See?? Super exciting!
Now, there is definitely nothing wrong with having a daily routine, however, I think it's important to have ongoing change in one's life (it doesn't have to be as much as me of course). It adds spice to life and it gets you out of your comfort zone! Yay for change!
P.S. My posts may not be as frequent this month due to me moving :)