So today I am going to talk about goals, more specifically goals that I am going to set for myself. I think it's important to set short and long term goals for yourself. It gives your life a sense of purpose and direction. Also, when you meet your goals, you definitely feel a strong sense of achievement.
I wanted to share with all of you what some of my goals are:

Stay healthy and active. While I do try to eat healthy and be active on a regularly basis, I want to make sure I continue doing this. There have been times when I have fallen off the wagon so to speak and I want to make sure I stay on the right track. I love how I feel when I am healthy and active. I always have a lot of energy and I just feel good!
Be debt-free. I do have a bit of debt right now and I need to get rid of it. I don't want this debt to weigh on my shoulders any more. It's preventing me from saving a proper amount of money and one day owning a home. I hope to be debt-free within the next 2 years.
Travel to Europe. Yes, I know it's a bit shocking, I have never been outside of North America. I want to make it a priority within the next 2 years to travel to Europe. I want to dive right into the culture, food, and beautiful architecture. I can't wait!!
Save more money, spend less. I have some savings, but I want to save more and have a proper savings plan in place. I want to be more careful with how I spend my money so I can save more. Saving more money will allow me to buy a home in the future, travel and buy various items without financial stress.
Attain my Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) designation. By attaining my CSEP designation, it will show to others that I am a certified event professional and can successfully plan and execute events. I really hope to attain this designation in the next year.
Build my event experience. Even though I do have several years of event experience under my belt, I want to continue to build my experience. There is always something new to learn in the event industry. Building my experience will allow me to be a confident and knowledgeable events professional.
Increase my network. I want to continue to develop meaningful personal and professional relationships. I hope to do this by going to a variety of networking events and joining industry associations.
Wow, it felt good to write all that down! Now I have to hold myself accountable and achieve all these goals. I can do it!
What are your goals?? I'd love to hear some!
Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone! Gobble gobble ;)
-Shira :)
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