Monday 19 September 2011

If I Wasn't an Event Planner I Would be a Teacher

Happy Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone's weekend was just fabulous. I celebrated a few friend's birthdays this weekend and it was lots of fun. I love catching up with all my friends :) Also, today I did my very first temp job and I have to say it was interesting and I enjoyed it!

So, I was asked in a recent interview, if I wasn't an event planner what would I be? It took a second to figure it out but then it suddenly came to me, I would be a teacher! I've realized recently that I really enjoy helping and teaching others because it is really rewarding to contribute towards someone's education. It's great feeling to help others.

I think it started to come to realization when I started this blog. I felt that I had all this event planning knowledge in my head and I needed to share it with the world! I really enjoy educating others especially when it comes to events. I want to see others succeed and gain valuable insight into the event industry. I could be selfish and not share any of the information that I know, but I think that is just plain silly. Why not pass on the knowledge? Why not help others that need help?

This blog really has brought out the teacher in me. One of the main reasons why I blog is because I know I am providing useful event information to someone that needs it. That in itself is incredibly rewarding. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

I will continue to provide a wide variety of event planning tips for as long as I can. If anyone wants to me to go over a particular topic please don't hesitate to let me know, I am here to help! See, there really is a teacher in me!

Who knows, maybe someday I will teach an event planning course! Wouldn't that be fun?!

-Shira :)

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