So sorry again for the lack of blog posts. Life has got busy and during my time off I got a bit lazy :P Buuuut I'm back! So I'm sure you want to know what I have been up to, so here goes: Day of wedding coordinating for my girlfriend's wedding (it went SO well!), working (of course), boot camping, shopping, catching up with friends, meeting up with wedding planners to learn from them, Circle Craft Christmas Market with my mom and I'm sure I am missing something!

Here are my key life changes over the past year:
Leaving my job of 3 years. It was a hard decision to make but I felt I had to do it. A lot of my friends told me that it would have been smarter to find work before leaving my job but I really wanted to dedicate myself to looking for employment full time and rediscovering my passions. I took the risk and although it took me a number of months to find full time employment, it paid off in the end and looking back on it, I don't think I would have done it any other way.
Improving my diet and fitness routine. I was starting to gain weight and develop bad eating habits so I decided to make a change. I joined boot camp and went 3 times week religiously for months. I also did some work outs at home too. Along with boot camp/work outs at home, I started to eat healthier and really watched what I ate. My hard work payed off and I lost weight, had high energy and felt overall great.
Networking. I did a little bit of networking in the past but not very much, so this year I started to attend networking events. Networking ia a great way to get to know another other professionals, find out about opportunities, promote myself as an event planner, develop relationships and improve my confidence .I'll admit, I was nervous at my first networking event this year but I soon realized that other people were nervous too and we were all there for pretty much the same reasons, so that made me feel more comfortable. I did gain some great connections and really enjoyed myself. Networking is awesome and I will continue to attend these events for a long time.
Developing new friendships/changes in current friendships. I started to develop a number of relatively new friendships this year. It has been fun and refreshing getting to know these individuals and changing up my friend dynamic. At the same token, there have been a few changes in some of my current friendships. Some friends I'm not as close with and I have broken off communication with others, unfortunately. I have come to the realization that friendships and friend dynamics change quite often and I have to learn to just embrace these changes and not take them personally.
Acquiring a new job. As most of you know, I got a new job as an Events Coordinator for Mitacs just over a month ago. I love my new position and I really enjoy the people I work with! I have been learning a lot and I love that I am helping plan and execute conferences.
All these changes have been overwhelming at times but overall I have welcomed them with open arms. Life has been nothing but interesting over the past year and has made me quite a happy lady. I really can't wait to see what the next year will bring :)
-Shira :)
That's inspiring, Shira!
Why did you leave your 3 years job? Was smth wrong in there?
I won't go into the details but I needed to just move on :)
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